· 三月 10, 2023 阅读大约需 3 分钟

如何使用最新的 IRIS Native SDK for Python 用 Python 遍历 IRIS Global数据结构

InterSystems IRIS 2022.2 具有适用于 Python 的原生 SDK (https://docs.intersystems.com/iris20222/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=PAG...)。

我们知道如何使用 IRIS Object Script $Order 函数遍历Global数据结构。

 SET key= "" FOR { SET key= $ORDER ( ^myglobal (key)) QUIT :key= "" WRITE !, ^myglobal (key) }

如何使用 IRIS Native SDK 从 Python 执行相同的操作?这里有一个代码示例:

 import iris 
args = { 'hostname' : '' , 'port' : 51772 , 'namespace' : 'USER' , 'username' : '_SYSTEM' , 'password' : 'SYS' } 
conn = iris.connect(**args) 

# Create an iris object 
irispy = iris.createIRIS(conn) 

# Create a global array in the USER namespace on the server 
irispy.set( 'A' , 'root' , 'foo' , 'SubFoo' ) 
irispy.set( 123 , 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' , 'UnderBar' ) 
irispy.set( 124 , 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' , 'UnderBar2' ) 
irispy.set( "hi" , 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' ) 
irispy.set( "hi again" , 'root' , 'bar3' ) 

# Read the values from the database and print them 
subfoo_value = irispy.get( 'root' , 'foo' , 'SubFoo' ) 
underbar_value = irispy.get( 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' , 'UnderBar' ) 
underbar2_value = irispy.get( 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' , 'UnderBar2' ) 
lowbar_value = irispy.get( 'root' , 'bar' , 'lowbar' ) 
bar3_value = irispy.get( 'root' , 'bar3' ) 

print( 'Created two values: ' ) 
print( ' root("foo","SubFoo")=' , subfoo_value) 
print( ' root("bar","lowbar","UnderBar")=' , underbar_value) 
print( ' root("bar","lowbar","UnderBar2")=' , underbar2_value) 
print( ' root("bar","lowbar")=' , lowbar_value) 
print( ' root("bar3")=' , bar3_value) 

direction = 0 # direction of iteration (boolean forward/reverse) 
next_sub = chr( 0 ) # start at first possible subscript 
subs = [] 

print( "\n Iterating root \n" ) 
isDef = irispy.isDefined( 'root' , *subs) 
while isDef: 
    next_sub = irispy.nextSubscript( False , 'root' , *subs, next_sub) # get first subscript 
    if next_sub == None : # we finished iterating nodes on this tree branch, move a level up 
        if len(subs) == 0 : # no more things to iterate 
        next_sub = subs.pop( -1 ) # pop last subscript in order to continue iterating this level 
        if irispy.isDefined( 'root' , *subs, next_sub) == 11 : 
            print( 'root(' ,*subs, next_sub, ')=' ,irispy.get( 'root' , *subs, next_sub)) 
    isDef = irispy.isDefined( 'root' , *subs, next_sub) 
    if isDef in [ 10 , 11 ]: # keep building subscripts for depth first search 
        next_sub = chr( 0 ) 
    elif isDef == 1 : # reached a leaf node, print it 
        print( 'root(' ,*subs, next_sub, ')=' ,irispy.get( 'root' , *subs, next_sub)) 
    else : # def 0 is not really expected 
        print( "error" ) 
        irispy.kill( 'root' ) 
        exit( -1 ) 

# Delete the global array and terminate 
irispy.kill( 'root' ) # delete global array root 
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