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InterSystems 常见问题系列--如何使用命令获得应用错误 (^ERRORS)

InterSystems 常见问题系列

使用 ErrorList 查询 SYS.ApplicationError 类.

  • 注 1: 在 %SYS 命名空间中运行.
  • 注 2: 这是个非存储的utility, 所以我们用 %ResultSet 类而不用 %SQL.Statement.


USER>set $namespace="%SYS"   //equal to zn "%SYS"
%SYS>set rset=##class(%ResultSet).%New()

%SYS>set rset.ClassName="SYS.ApplicationError"
%SYS>set rset.QueryName="ErrorList"
// The first argument of the query is the namespace name, the second argument is the date (in MM/DD/YYYY format).
%SYS>do rset.Execute("USER","08/17/2020")

// To display the results on the screen, execute the %Display() method.
%SYS>do rset.%Display()
Error # Error message   Time    Process DisplayPID      Username        Code line
1 <DIVIDE> 02:43:10 2536 2536 irisowner

1 Rows(s) Affected

%SYS>do rset.Close()

以下显示如何获得在浏览行时获取SELECT的列值The following shows how to get column values ​​of a SELECT while navigating through rows.


获取一列的话使用 Get("column name"). 具体列名,请参考类文档里面的ErrorList 查询描述。

关于ErrorList 查询的列名.

%SYS>do rset.Execute("USER","08/17/2020")

%SYS>while rset.Next() { write rset.Get("Error #"),"-",rset.Get("Error message"),"-",rset.Get("Time"),"-",rset.Get("Code line"),!}

For terminal viewing, you can also use the ^%ER routine.

Execute the following while in the namespace you want to reference (the example is executed in the USER namespace).

The green bold underlined text indicates the input area.

USER>do ^%ER
For Date: ?L
Thu 09/17/2020  (T)   2 Errors
Mon 09/07/2020  (T-10) 3 Errors
Mon 08/31/2020  (T-17) 1 Error
Mon 08/24/2020  (T-24) 1 Error

For Date: 09/17/2020  17 Sep 2020   2 Errors

Error: ?L
 1. " *a"  at  9:05 am.   $I=|TRM|:|13484   ($X=0  $Y=15)
     $J=13484  $ZA=0   $ZB=$c(13)   $ZS=262144 ($S=268271680) 
 2. "^%ETN"  at  9:05 am.   $I=|TRM|:|13484   ($X=0  $Y=17)
     $J=13484  $ZA=0   $ZB=$c(13)   $ZS=262144 ($S=268263368)
     %ETN     ;%STACK-related error log

 Error: 1
 1. " *a"  at  9:05 am.   $I=|TRM|:|13484   ($X=0  $Y=15)
     $J=13484  $ZA=0   $ZB=$c(13)   $ZS=262144 ($S=268271680)

For Date:

日期: 错误发生的日期格式为 mm/dd/yyyy

错误: 明确错误编号.


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