· 四月 12, 2022 阅读大约需 7 分钟


程序化访问 Production




// Object script 
// The active namespace is stored in this variable
// Print namespace
# Python
import iris
# The active namespace is returned from this method
# Print namespace

现有Production (正在或者最后一次运行的Production)


// ObjectScript
// Get current or last run production
DEMONSTRATION>W ##class(Ens.Director).GetActiveProductionName()
>>> Hospital.HospitalProduction
#  Python
import os
import iris
active_production = iris.cls('Ens.Director').GetActiveProductionName()
>>> Hospital.HospitalProduction



1. SQL 查询 Production中的项目

SELECT Name FROM Ens_Config.Item Where Production = 'Hospital.HospitalProduction'

2. SQL 查询Production中正在运行的项目

SELECT Name, ClassName 
FROM Ens_Config.Item 
WHERE Production = 'Hospital.HospitalProduction' 
  AND Enabled = 1

Name                                    ClassName
To_Radiology                            EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation
To_Lab                                  EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation
To_Dictaphone                           EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation
From_Cerner_ADT                         EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService
From_Cerner_ADT_Router                  EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
From_Radiology_Results_Router           EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
From_Lab_Results_Router                 EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
From_Dictaphone_Results_Router          EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
To_Intellilab                           EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation
To_Cerner_Results                       EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation
From_Cerner_Orders_Router               EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
From_Athena_Multi_Router                EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
HS.IHE.XDSb.DocumentSource.Operations   HS.IHE.XDSb.DocumentSource.Operations

3. 对象访问 Production 项目

// ObjectScript 
// Access to get all items in the active production
// Returns list of items
ClassMethod ListItemsInProduction()
    Set productionName =  ##class(Ens.Director).GetActiveProductionName()
    Set items = []
    &sql(Declare curr cursor FOR Select Name into :newId from Ens_Config.Item Where Production = :productionName)
    &sql(OPEN curr)
    For {
        &sql(FETCH curr)
        Do items.%Push(newId)
    &sql(CLOSE curr)
    quit items

>>> zw ##class(ISC.SE.ProductionTools).ListItemsInProduction()

,"To_Dictaphone","To_Intellilab","To_Lab","To_Radiology"]  ; <DYNAMIC ARRAY>
# Python
# Get Dataframe of active production items

import os
# Set environment variables
import iris

def getActiveProductionItems():
    productionName = iris.cls('Ens.Director').GetActiveProductionName()
    df = iris.sql.exec("SELECT Name FROM Ens_Config.Item Where Production = '{}'".format(productionName))
    return df

production_items_df = getActiveProductionItems().dataframe()

#                                      name
# 0                       From_Athena_Multi
# 1                From_Athena_Multi_Router
# 2                         From_Cerner_ADT
# 3                  From_Cerner_ADT_Router
# 4                      From_Cerner_Orders
# 5               From_Cerner_Orders_Router
# 6                 From_Dictaphone_Results
# 7          From_Dictaphone_Results_Router
# 8                        From_Lab_Results
# 9                 From_Lab_Results_Router
# 10                 From_Radiology_Results
# 11          From_Radiology_Results_Router
# 12  HS.IHE.XDSb.DocumentSource.Operations
# 13      HS.IHE.XDSb.Repository.Operations
# 14                      To_Cerner_Results
# 15                          To_Dictaphone
# 16                          To_Intellilab
# 17                                 To_Lab
# 18                           To_Radiology

通过 API操作Production

1. 增加组件

// ObjectScript
set productionName = ##class(Ens.Director).GetActiveProductionName()
//create a new xml file service
set classname="EnsLib.XML.FileService"  //class of this item
set name="NewService"           //config name
set item=##class(Ens.Config.Item).%New(classname)

set item.Name=name
set item.Comment = "Test Service"
set item.PoolSize = "1"
set item.Enabled = 1
do item.%Save()
// open the production class
// set prod="Test.configtest"   //production name set manually
// OR
set prod = productionName
set prodObj=##class(Ens.Config.Production).%OpenId(prod)
//save the new item
set tSC=prodObj.Items.Insert(item)
set tSC=prodObj.SaveToClass(item)
set tSC=prodObj.%Save()

// DELETE item from above
set tSC = prodObj.RemoveItem(item)
set tSC = prodObj.SaveToClass()
set tSC=prodObj.%Save()
# Python
import os
import iris
active_production = iris.cls('Ens.Director').GetActiveProductionName()
print("Current Production {}".format(active_production))

# Metadata about component
classname="EnsLib.XML.FileService"   # class of this item
name="NewService"                    # config name
item=iris.cls('Ens.Config.Item')._New(classname) # Make new component
item.Comment = "Test Service"
item.PoolSize = "1"
item.Enabled = 1

# open the production class
# prod="Test.configtest"    # production name manually set
# OR use the active production from above
prod = active_production

# save the production after we insert that item to it

# DELETE item from above
tSC = prodObj.RemoveItem(item)
tSC = prodObj.SaveToClass()

2. 激活 / 关闭 组件

// ObjectScript
set productionName = ##class(Ens.Director).GetActiveProductionName()
set itemName = "My.Inbound.HL7"
// Required for Enable Item
Set componentName = productionName _ "||" _ itemName _ "|"
// Disable or enable
Set enable = 1 // or 0
Do ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem(componentName, enable, 1)

/// Enable or disable a ConfigItem in a Production. The Production may be running or not.
/// The pConfigItemName argument gives the name of the config item to be enabled or disabled
/// In the case of multiple matching items with the same config name, if any is already enabled then
///  the pEnable=1 option will do nothing and the pEnable=0 option will disable the running matching
///   production item, or if not running then the first matching enabled item that it finds.
/// See method Ens.Director.ParseConfigName() for full syntax of the ConfigItem name specification string.
ClassMethod EnableConfigItem(pConfigItemName As %String, pEnable As %Boolean = 1, pDoUpdate As %Boolean = 1)
# Python
import os
import iris

active_production = iris.cls('Ens.Director').GetActiveProductionName()
item_name = "My.Inbound.HL7"
componentName = active_production + "||" + item_name + "|"

enable = 1 # or 0
iris.cls('Ens.Director').EnableConfigItem(componentName, enable, 1)


// ObjectScript
/// This method returns the production status via the output parameters.
/// pProductionName: Returns the production name when the status is running, suspended or troubled.
/// pState: Outputs production status. The valid values are:
///          $$$eProductionStateRunning == 1
///          $$$eProductionStateStopped == 2
///          $$$eProductionStateSuspended == 3
///          $$$eProductionStateTroubled == 4
Set sc = ##class(Ens.Director).GetProductionStatus(.productionName, .productionState) 
Write productionName, " -- ", productionState
import os
# Set namespace the hard way

import iris

# TEST 2 with output variables
productionName, productionState = iris.ref('productionName'), iris.ref('productionState')
status = iris.cls('Ens.Director').GetProductionStatus(productionName, productionState) 

print("Status: {}".format(status))
# see .value
print("Production: {}".format(productionName.value))
# see .value
print("Production State: {}".format(productionState.value))
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