· 一月 26, 2024 阅读大约需 2 分钟

InterSystems 常见问题解答--日志文件长期保留而未被删除的原因

InterSystems 常见问题解答







 Class ISJ.JournalUtility { ClassMethod GetOpenTransaction() As %Status { set status= $$$OK #dim ex As %Exception.AbstractException #dim rset As %ResultSet try { //current journal file write !, "Current journal file name:" , ##class ( %SYS.Journal.System ).GetCurrentFileName(),!! // Open transaction file // Get info about journals recorded in WIJ $$$ThrowOnError ( ##class ( %SYS.Journal.System ).GetImageJournalInfo(.filename,.jrnoffset,.jrnfilecount,.opentranoffset,.opentranfilecount)) if $get (opentranoffset)= "" { write !, "There are no open transactions" ,! return status        } //If there is a differeence in file counts(jrnfilecount-opentranfilecount>0 ) // There is an open transaction in the old journal file, so please search for a target file name if jrnfilecount-opentranfilecount> 0 { set loopcnt=jrnfilecount-opentranfilecount for i= 1 : 1 :loopcnt { set currentfile=filename $$$ThrowOnError ( ##class ( %SYS.Journal.File ).GetPrev(currentfile,.filename))            }        } write "〇〇 list of open target journal records 〇〇" ,! set rset= ##class ( %ResultSet ). %New ( "%SYS.Journal.Record:List" ) do rset. %Execute (filename,,,, $LB ( "Address" , "=" ,opentranoffset)) write !, "=== File Name : " ,filename, " ===" ,! write "Address : TimeStamp : ProcessID : RemoteSystemID : TypeName : Transaction" ,! while rset. %Next () { write rset. %Get ( "Address" ), " : " ,                rset. %Get ( "TimeStamp" ), " : " ,                rset. %Get ( "ProcessID" ), " : " ,                rset. %Get ( "RemoteSystemID" ), " : " ,                rset. %Get ( "TypeName" ), " : " ,                rset. %Get ( "InTransaction" ),!        }    } catch ex { set status=ex.AsStatus()    } return status } }


 USER> do ##class (ISJ.JournalUtility).GetOpenTransaction() Current journal file name:/usr/irissys/mgr/journal/ 20210330.002 〇〇 list of open target journal records 〇〇 === File Name : /usr/irissys/mgr/journal/ 20210330.001 === Address : TimeStamp : ProcessID : RemoteSystemID : TypeName : Transaction 1834156 : 2021 - 03 - 30 13 : 19 : 00 : 5194 : 1073741824 : BeginTrans : 1
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