· 八月 30, 2022 阅读大约需 3 分钟

使用Python DB-API连接InterSystems IRIS

InterSystems IRIS 允许从任何符合DB-API的Python应用程序对InterSystems IRIS 进行快速、无缝地访问。Python DB-API驱动是对PEP 249 v2.0(Python数据库API规范 v2.0)的完整兼容。



  1. 前提是要有一个Python的开发环境。 本示例使用vs code 如下所示创建一个dbapi.py文件。 dbapi.py :
    # Embedded Python examples from summer 2022
    import iris as dbapi
    mytable = "mypydbapi.test_things"
    conn = dbapi.connect(hostname='localhost', port=1972, namespace='IRISAPP', username='superuser', password='iris')
    # Create table
    cursor = conn.cursor()
     cursor.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {mytable} (myvarchar VARCHAR(255), myint INTEGER, myfloat FLOAT)")
    except Exception as inst:
    # Create some data to fill in
    chunks = []
    paramSequence = []
    for row in range(10):
     paramSequence.append(["This is a non-selective string every row is the same data", row%10, row * 4.57292])
     if (row>0 and ((row % 10) == 0)):
       paramSequence = []
    query = f"INSERT INTO {mytable} (myvarchar, myint, myfloat) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
    for chunk in chunks:
     cursor = conn.cursor()
     cursor.executemany(query, chunk)
    # conn.close()
    sql = f"select * from {mytable}"
    rowsRead = 0
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    cursor.arraysize = 20
    rc = cursor.rowcount
    rows = cursor.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
    rowsRead += len(rows)
  2. 安装 DB-API驱动,点击此链接下载DB-API驱动
    pip install intersystems_irispython-version-py3-none-any.whl
  3. 配置Connection String - 按照Intersystems IRIS的服务器,在dbapi.py文件中配置
    • hostname
    • port
    • namespace
    • username
    • password
  1. 在InterSystems IRIS管理门户中创建IRISAPP命名空间。
  2. 在VS code中运行dbapi.py文件,运行结果如下,说明数据成功导入。
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 0, 0.0]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 1, 4.57292]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 2, 9.14584]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 3, 13.71876]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 4, 18.29168]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 5, 22.8646]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 6, 27.43752]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 7, 32.01044]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 8, 36.58336]
    ['This is a non-selective string every row is the same data', 9, 41.156279999999995]
  3. 在IRISAPP命名空间下,查看InterSystems IRIS 数据库,可以看到数据,说明数据导入成功InterSystems IRIS。
    SELECT myvarchar, myint, myfloat FROM mypydbapi.test_things
讨论 (1)2


python3 /home/code/httpTest2.py
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