· 七月 13, 2021


大家好,我想请教一个问题,如何在Health Connect实现访问共享文件夹的文件 (对文件进行读取或者写入操作,非本地文件)

产品版本: HealthShare 2018.1
讨论 (6)1

Hello Li,

Your post was cross-posted to the US developer community. Here's my first impression (copied from the other forum):

If this is on Windows I suspect this is an issue with using the default SYSTEM account. See the following doc:

Installing InterSystems IRIS on Microsoft Windows > Windows User Accounts

"When installing InterSystems IRIS, you must choose the Windows user account to run the InterSystems service. There are two options:

The default SYSTEM account (Windows Local System account). This is used in Minimal security installations.

A defined Windows user account.

Running the Windows InterSystems service under the default SYSTEM account is appropriate for many installations, but in some cases can cause issues relating to file permissions and network security access. If you anticipate potential problems in these areas for an InterSystems IRIS instance, for example due to your network configuration or security arrangements, specify an account for the Windows InterSystems service that has the needed privileges and/or access, such as a domain administrator account.

For instructions on how to change the service account after installation, see the Managing Windows User Access to the InterSystems IRIS Instance section."

Changing the InterSystems Service Account

<install-dir>\bin\IRISinstall.exe setserviceusername <instance-name> <username> <password>

请参考以下文档:Installing InterSystems IRIS on Microsoft Windows > Windows User Accounts

"在安装InterSystems IRIS时,你必须选择Windows用户帐户来运行InterSystems服务。有两个选择。
在默认的SYSTEM帐户下运行Windows InterSystems服务对许多安装来说是合适的,但在某些情况下会导致与文件权限和网络安全访问有关的问题。如果你预计InterSystems IRIS实例在这些方面有潜在的问题,例如由于你的网络配置或安全安排,为Windows InterSystems服务指定一个具有所需权限和/或访问权的帐户,如一个域管理员帐户。
关于如何在安装后改变服务帐户的说明,请参见 "管理Windows用户对InterSystems IRIS实例的访问 "部分。

Changing the InterSystems Service Account

<install-dir>\bin\IRISinstall.exe setserviceusername <instance-name> <username> <password>