404 – 找不到个人简介
会员起始日期:三月 1, 2016
Include EnsConstants
/// Get Settings from Production and Create DefaultSettings
Class CONNECTORSPKG.Utility.DefaultSettings
/// List productions
ClassMethod ListProductions(print As %Boolean = 1, namespace As %String = {$NAMESPACE}) As %String
set $NAMESPACE = namespace
set production = ""
if print
write "Productions in namespace " _ namespace _ ":",!
set prdRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Ens.Config.Production:ProductionStatus")
do prdRS.Execute()
while (prdRS.Next())
set status = prdRS.Data("Status")
if status = "Running"
set production = prdRS.Data("Production")
if print
write prdRS.Data("Production")," (",status,")",!
return production
/// Export to settingsfile
ClassMethod Export() As %Status
return ##class(Ens.Config.DefaultSettings).%Export("/home/irisowner/systemdefaults/Ens.Config.DefaultSettings.esd", "MONDRIAAN.FoundationProduction")
/// Export from settingsfile
ClassMethod Import() As %Status
set sc = ##class(Ens.Config.DefaultSettings).%Import("/home/irisowner/systemdefaults/Ens.Config.DefaultSettings.esd", .count, .idsimported)
write "Imported ",count," settings",!
return sc
/// Connectors action
ClassMethod SettingsFromProduction(removeFromProduction As %Boolean = 0, updateSettings As %Boolean = 1) As %Status
return ..GetSettingsFromProduction("CONNECTORSPKG.FoundationProduction", "*:HTTPServer,SSLConfig;CONNECTORSPKG.BO.GenericHTTP.Operation:HttpMethod,AcceptHeader,ContentType,URL,AuthorizationType,Credentials,CustomAuthorizationHeader,AlertOnError,ReplyCodeActions", removeFromProduction, updateSettings)
/// Get settings From Production
ClassMethod GetSettingsFromProduction(production As %String = {..ListProductions(0, $NAMESPACE)}, filter As %String = "", removeFromProduction As %Boolean = 0, updateSettings As %Boolean = 1) As %Status
write "Settings in production '",production _ "':",!
set xdataId = production _ "||ProductionDefinition"
set xdata = ##class(%Dictionary.XDataDefinition).%OpenId(xdataId, , .sc)
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed to open XData block '" _ xdataId,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
set tProduction = ##class(Ens.Config.Production).%OpenId(production,,.sc)
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed to open production '",production,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),"; settings will not be removed from the production",!
set removeFromProduction = 0
set sc = ##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseStream(xdata.Data, .textreader)
#dim textreader as %XML.TextReader
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed to parse XData block '" _xdataId,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
set currentItemName = ""
set currentItemClass = ""
#dim tRemovedItemCount as %Integer = 0
while textreader.Read()
if (textreader.NodeType '= "element")
if (textreader.LocalName = "Item")
if (textreader.MoveToAttributeName("Name"))
set currentItemName = textreader.Value
if (textreader.MoveToAttributeName("ClassName"))
set currentItemClass = textreader.Value
#; write "Found Item with Name='" _ currentItemName _ "' of class '" _ currentItemClass _ "':",!
if (textreader.LocalName = "Setting")
do ..HandleXDataSetting(textreader, tProduction, currentItemName, currentItemClass, filter, removeFromProduction, updateSettings, .tRemovedItemCount)
if tRemovedItemCount > 0
write "Removed ",tRemovedItemCount," settings; now saving Production '",production,"':"
return ..SaveProduction(tProduction)
return $$$OK
/// Hanlde setting found in the XData
ClassMethod HandleXDataSetting(textreader As %XML.TextReader, tProduction As Ens.Config.Production, currentItemName As %String, currentItemClass As %String, filter As %String, removeFromProduction As %Boolean, updateSettings As %Boolean, ByRef tRemovedItemCount As %Integer)
if (textreader.MoveToAttributeName("Target"))
set target = textreader.Value
if (textreader.MoveToAttributeName("Name"))
set name = textreader.Value
do textreader.Read() // Read value
set value = textreader.Value
#; write "Found Setting Target=",target,", name=",name,", Value=",value,!
if ..InFilter(filter, currentItemName, currentItemClass, target, name, value)
if updateSettings && $$$ISERR(..HandleSetting(tProduction.Name, currentItemName, currentItemClass, target, name, value))
if removeFromProduction && ..RemoveSettingFromProduction(tProduction, currentItemName, target, name)
set tRemovedItemCount = tRemovedItemCount + 1
/// SaveProduction
ClassMethod SaveProduction(tProduction As Ens.Config.Production) As %Status
// Save the changes we made to the production
set sc = tProduction.%Save(1)
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write " failed: ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
write !
// Regenerate the XData in the corresponding class
write "Save Production XData: "
Set sc = tProduction.SaveToClass()
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write " failed: ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
write !
// Grab the state of the production
set sc = ##class(Ens.Director).GetProductionStatus(.tRunningProduction, .tState)
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed to get Production status: ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
// Finally, does the production need updating?
if (tRunningProduction = tProduction.Name) && (tState = $$$eProductionStateRunning)
// Update the running production with the new settings
write "Update running production: "
set sc = ##class(Ens.Director).UpdateProduction(##class(Ens.Director).GetRunningProductionUpdateTimeout())
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write " failed: ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
return $$$OK
/// Determine if the setting is in the Filter
ClassMethod InFilter(filter As %String, itemName As %String, class As %String, target As %String, varName As %String, value As %String) As %Boolean
if filter = ""
return 1
for classIndex = 1:1:$LENGTH(filter, ";")
set classPart = $PIECE(filter, ";", classIndex)
set configClass = $PIECE(classPart, ":", 1)
if (configClass '= "*") && (configClass '= class)
set vars = $PIECE(classPart, ":", 2)
for varIndex = 1:1:$LENGTH(vars, ",")
if $PIECE(vars, ",", varIndex) = varName
return 1
return 0
/// Handle Setting
ClassMethod HandleSetting(production As %String, item As %String, class As %String, target As %String, varName As %String, value As %String) As %Status
if ##class(Ens.Config.DefaultSettings).IdKeyExists(production, item, class, varName, .id)
set defaultSetting = ##class(Ens.Config.DefaultSettings).%OpenId(id, , .sc)
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed to get default setting named '",item,":",varName,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
if defaultSetting.SettingValue = value
write "Skipping '",item,":",varName,"' as it already exists with the same value",!
return $$$OK
write "Updating '",item,":",varName,"' from '",defaultSetting.SettingValue,"' to '",value,"'",!
set defaultSetting = ##class(Ens.Config.DefaultSettings).%New()
set defaultSetting.ProductionName = production
set defaultSetting.ItemName = item
set defaultSetting.HostClassName = class
set defaultSetting.SettingName = varName
set defaultSetting.Deployable = 1
write "Creating '",item,":",varName,"' from '",defaultSetting.SettingValue,"' with value '",value,"'",!
set defaultSetting.SettingValue = value
set sc = defaultSetting.%Save()
if $$$ISERR(sc)
write "Failed setting default setting named '",item,":",varName,"' to '",value,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return sc
/// Rmove Setting from production
ClassMethod RemoveSettingFromProduction(tProduction As Ens.Config.Production, item As %String, target As %String, varName As %String) As %Boolean
#dim tItemObj as Ens.Config.Item = tProduction.FindItemByConfigName(item, .sc, 1)
if '$IsObject(tItemObj)
write "Failed to get item '",item,"': ",$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(sc),!
return 0
for i = 1:1:tItemObj.Settings.Count()
#dim tSetting As Ens.Config.Setting = tItemObj.Settings.GetAt(i)
if (tSetting.Name = varName) && (tSetting.Target = target)
do tItemObj.Settings.RemoveAt(i, .success)
return success
return 0
String stringVal = irisjv.functionString("fnString",routineName,"World");
认证与 Credly 徽章:
Louis 还没有认证与 Credly 徽章.
Global Masters 徽章:

Louis 尚未关注任何人。