· 九月 25, 2022 阅读大约需 25 分钟


日常工作中,JSON使用越来越多,很多其他的语言里面有成熟的JSON API,但cache 我一直没找到。而同事们使用的基本都是自己写的一些JSON工具。这些小工具,多多少少有些局限。使用ensemble2016后,发现了 Ens.Util.JSON类,他可以处理JSON。翻阅代码后,实际上主要API是 %ZEN.Auxiliary.abstractController。在使用中,我们遇到一个问题,那就是有些JSON的节点名是带有下划线的,这个不太好处理。一般来说,我们把对象转为xml的时候,对象的属性我们是去掉下划线的,带下划线的名字是用 XMLNAME来设置的,于是考虑JSON里面也使用它(如果配置了)作为对象转JSON的时候,JSON的名字。修改 %ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider %WriteJSONStreamFromObject方法后,发现ensemble的一些自带的页面的功能受到了影响。因此重新建立了一个副本。这里假定为 Util.JSON Extends %ZEN.Auxiliary.abstractController [ System = 3 ]。对象转为JSON的方法中,需要修改 ClassMethod %ObjectToJSON(pObject As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pVisited, pLevel As %Integer = 0, pFormat As %String = "aceloqtw") As %Status
Set tSC = $$$OK
Try {
If ((pObject="")||'$IsObject(pObject)||($D(pVisited(pObject)))) {
// cycle
Write:pFormat["a"||'pLevel "null"
Set pVisited(pObject) = ""
Set tClass = $classname(pObject)
If (tClass = "%ZEN.proxyObject") {
Set tSC = pObject.%ToJSON(pLevel,pFormat)
Set tLF=$S(pFormat["w":$C(13,10), pFormat["n":$C(10), 1:"")
If pFormat'=$TR(pFormat,"it123456789") Set tN=+$ZStrip(pFormat,"<E'N"), $P(tTab,$S(pFormat["t":$C(9),1:" "),1+$S(tN:tN,pFormat["t":1,1:4))="" }
Else Set tTab="" }
Set tIncludeWhitespace = (tLF_tTab'="") If (pObject.%Extends("%Collection.AbstractList")) {
Set tList = pObject
Set tCount = tList.Count()
If (pFormat["l" || tCount) {
Write "["
For = 1:1:tCount {
Set tValue = tList.GetAt(n)
Write:n>1 ","
If $IsObject(tValue) {
If (tValue.%IsA("%ZEN.proxyObject")) {
Set tSC = tValue.%ToJSON(pLevel+1,pFormat)
Else {
Set tSC = ..%ObjectToJSON(tValue,.pVisited, pLevel+1, pFormat)
Else {
Write $$$ZENJSONVALUE(tValue,pFormat)
If tIncludeWhitespace Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+1)="" Write tLF_tIndent
Write "]"
ElseIf (pObject.%Extends("%Stream.Object")) {
Write """"
#; Initialize stream read length, if needed
If '$data(tStreamMaxReadLen) Set tStreamMaxReadLen = ($$$MaxLocalLength\2)
Do pObject.Rewind()
While 'pObject.AtEnd {
Write $$$ZENJSONESCAPE(pObject.Read(tStreamMaxReadLen),pFormat)
Write """"
} If pFormat["o" || 'pLevel {
Set tPropCount = ""
If (tIncludeWhitespace && pLevel) Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+1)="" Write $S(pFormat["b":tLF_tIndent,1:" ")
Write "{"
Else {
Set tPropCount = 0
If pFormat["c" {
// add class name to model
Do nextProp
Write $$$ZENJSONPAIR("_class",tClass,pFormat)
// add id for persistent objects
If (pObject.%IsA("%Library.Persistent")) {
Do nextProp
Set tID = pObject.%Id()
Write $$$ZENJSONPAIR("_id",tID,pFormat)
} #; Special treatment for top-level array: output no matter what
If pObject.%Extends("%Collection.AbstractArray") {
#; write out (eligible) array elements/properties
If pObject.%Extends("%Collection.AbstractArrayOfObj") {
#; object elements
Set tKey=""  For Set tValue = pObject.GetNext(.tKey) Quit:""=tKey
If $IsObject(tValue) {
If tValue.%Extends("%Stream.Object")||tValue.%Extends("%IO.I.Stream") {
Do tValue.Rewind()
If (pFormat["e" || tValue.Size()) {
Do nextProp
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":"""
#; Initialize stream read length, if needed
If '$data(tStreamMaxReadLen) Set tStreamMaxReadLen = ($$$MaxLocalLength\2)
#; Rewind non-%IO streams if needed
If tValue.AtEnd && tValue.%Extends("%Stream.Object") Do tValue.Rewind()
While 'tValue.AtEnd {
Write $$$ZENJSONESCAPE(tValue.Read(tStreamMaxReadLen),pFormat)
Write """"
ElseIf pFormat["o" || ..hasObjContent(tValue,.pVisited,pFormat) {
Do nextProp
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":"
Set tSC = ..%ObjectToJSON(tValue,.pVisited, pLevel+1,pFormat)
ElseIf pFormat["a" {
Do nextProp
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":null"
; end tKey object array loop
Else {
#; scalar array elements
Set tKey=""  For Set tValue = pObject.GetNext(.tKey) Quit:""=tKey
If (pFormat["e") || (tValue'="") {
Do nextProp
Write $$$ZENJSONPAIR(tKey,tValue,pFormat)
; end tKey scalar array loop
If tPropCount'=0 {
#; either we wrote at least one property or we wrote an empty '{' due to "o" mode or level zero
If tIncludeWhitespace Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+1)="" Write tLF_tIndent
Write "}"
#; else: main object is not a collection #; loop over properties using class meta-data
Do ..getOrderedProps(tClass,.tProps)
Set tSeq="" For Set tSeq=$O(tProps(tSeq),1,tPropName) Quit:""=tSeq Set tPrivate = +$$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPprivate)
Continue:tPrivate||(tPropName["%") Set tType = $$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPtype)
Set tClsType = $$$getClassType(tType)
Set tClientType = $$$comClassKeyGet(tType,$$$cCLASSclientdatatype)
Set tCollection = $$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPcollection)
If (tClsType '= "datatype") {
#; Check for the case where we have a property declared as a %ListOf**
If ($classmethod(tType,"%IsA","%Collection.AbstractList")) {
Set tCollection = "list"
If ($classmethod(tType,"%IsA","%Collection.AbstractListOfDT")) {
#; Reset object information for %ListOfDataTypes
Set tClientType = "VARCHAR"
Set tDataType = ""
Else {
Set tDataType=$Case(tClientType, "BOOLEAN":"b", "INTEGER":"n","NUMERIC":"n","FLOAT":"n", "TIMESTAMP":"u", "DATE":"d", "TIME":"t", :"")
Set tMultiDim = 0
If (tCollection="array") {
Set tCardinality = $$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPcardinality)
Set tInverse = $$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPinverse)
If ((tCardinality'="")&&(tInverse'="")) {
// treat relationship as list
Set tCollection = "list"
ElseIf (tCollection = "") {
Set tMultiDim = +$$$comMemberKeyGet(tClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tPropName,$$$cPROPmultidimensional)
Continue:tMultiDim Set tValue = $property(pObject,tPropName)
#; If the value is "" or $c(0) and we are NOT including empty properties, skip if we are not a collection, object or stream
If (((tValue = "") || (tValue = $c(0))) && (pFormat'["e") && (tCollection = "") && $Case(tClientType, "HANDLE": 0, "CHARACTERSTREAM": 0, "BINARYSTREAM": 0, :1)) {
// Write the property if not inhibited
If (tCollection="list") {
// list collection
If '$IsObject(tValue) {
Set tCount = 0
Else {
Set tList = tValue
Set tCount = tList.Count()
If (pFormat["l" || tCount) {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":["
For = 1:1:tCount {
Set tValue = tList.GetAt(n)
Write:n>1 ","
If (tClientType = "HANDLE") {
#; object items
If $IsObject(tValue) {
Set tSC = ..%ObjectToJSON(tValue,.pVisited, pLevel+1, pFormat)
Else {
Write "null" ; not conditional because it has to hold the place in the list
Else {
#; scalar list item ; converts $List to empty string!
Write $S((tDataType="b")&&(pFormat["e"):$S(tValue=1:"true",tValue=0:"false",1:"null")
, (tDataType="b"):$S(tValue:"true",1:"false")
, ((tDataType="n")||(pFormat["q"))&&$$$ZENJSISNUM(tValue):$$$ZENJSNUM(tValue)
, (tDataType="n")&&(tValue="")&&(pFormat["d"):"null"
, ($C(0)=tValue)||$ListValid(tValue):""""""
, 1:$$$ZENJSONSTR(tValue,pFormat))
Write "]"
ElseIf (tCollection="array") {
// array collection (object on client)
If '$IsObject(tValue) {
Set tKey = ""
Else {
Set tArray = tValue
Set tKey = tArray.Next("")
If pFormat'["o" && (""'=tKey) {
#; look ahead to see if there is any content
Set tHasArrayContent=0, k=tKey  While ('= "") Set tValue = tArray.GetAt(k)
If (tClientType = "HANDLE") {
If $IsObject(tValue) {
If ..hasObjContent(tValue,.pVisited,pFormat) Set tHasArrayContent=1 Quit
ElseIf (pFormat["a") {
Set tHasArrayContent=1 Quit
Else {
If $S(tDataType="b":1
, $C(0)=tValue||$ListValid(tValue):pFormat["e"
//, "dtu"[tDataType:$S(pFormat["u":$$$ZENJSUSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)), 1:$$$ZENJSSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)))
, 1:""'=tValue||(pFormat["e")) {
Set tHasArrayContent=1 Quit
Set = tArray.Next(k)
If (pFormat["o" || (""'=tKey && tHasArrayContent)) {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_": {"
Set = 0
While (tKey '= "") Set tValue = tArray.GetAt(tKey)
If (tClientType = "HANDLE") {
#; object elements
If $IsObject(tValue) {
Set = n+1
Write $S(n>1:",",1:"")_$$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":"
Set tSC = ..%ObjectToJSON(tValue,.pVisited, pLevel+1, pFormat)
ElseIf (pFormat["a") {
Set = n+1
Write $S(n>1:",",1:"")_$$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":null"
Else {
#; scalar array item ; converts $List to empty string!
Set tStr = $S((tDataType="b")&&(pFormat["e"):$S(tValue=1:"true",tValue=0:"false",1:"null")
, (tDataType="b"):$S(tValue:"true",1:"false")
, ((tDataType="n")||(pFormat["q"))&&$$$ZENJSISNUM(tValue):$$$ZENJSNUM(tValue)
, (tDataType="n")&&(tValue="")&&(pFormat["d"):"null"
, ($C(0)=tValue)||$ListValid(tValue):""""""
//, "dtu"[tDataType:$S(pFormat["u":$$$ZENJSUSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)), 1:$$$ZENJSSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)))
, 1:$$$ZENJSONSTR(tValue,pFormat))
If (pFormat["e") || (tStr'="""""") {
Set = n+1
Write $S(n>1:",",1:"")_$$$ZENJSONPROP(tKey,pFormat)_":"_tStr
Set tKey = tArray.Next(tKey)
Write "}"
ElseIf (tClientType = "HANDLE") {
// object
If $IsObject(tValue) {
If ..hasObjContent(tValue,.pVisited,pFormat) || (pFormat["o") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":"
Set tSC = ..%ObjectToJSON(tValue,.pVisited, pLevel+1, pFormat)
ElseIf (pFormat["a") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":null"
ElseIf (tClientType = "CHARACTERSTREAM") {
If $IsObject(tValue) {
If tValue.Size || (pFormat["e") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":"""
If tValue.Size {
#; Initialize stream read length, if needed
If '$data(tStreamMaxReadLen) Set tStreamMaxReadLen = ($$$MaxLocalLength\2)
Do tValue.Rewind()
While 'tValue.AtEnd {
Write $$$ZENJSONESCAPE(tValue.Read(tStreamMaxReadLen),pFormat)
Write """"
ElseIf (pFormat["a") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":null"
ElseIf (tClientType = "BINARYSTREAM") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":null"
Else {
#; scalar item ; converts $List to empty string!
Set tStr = $S((tDataType="b")&&(pFormat["e"):$S(tValue=1:"true",tValue=0:"false",1:"null")
, (tDataType="b"):$S(tValue:"true",1:"false")
, ((tDataType="n")||(pFormat["q"))&&$$$ZENJSISNUM(tValue):$$$ZENJSNUM(tValue)
, (tDataType="n")&&(tValue="")&&(pFormat["d"):"null"
, ($C(0)=tValue)||$ListValid(tValue):""""""
//, "dtu"[tDataType:$S(pFormat["u":$$$ZENJSUSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)), 1:$$$ZENJSSTR(..formatDateTime(tValue,tType,tDataType,pFormat)))
, 1:$$$ZENJSONSTR(tValue,pFormat)) If (pFormat["e") || (tStr'="""""") {
Do nextProp
s:XMLNAME="" XMLNAME=tPropName ;hng20204-26
Write $$$ZENJSONPROP(XMLNAME,pFormat)_":"_tStr
; end properties loop
Quit:$$$ISERR(tSC) If tPropCount'=0 {
#; either we wrote at least one property or we wrote an empty '{' due to "o" mode or level zero
If tIncludeWhitespace Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+1)="" Write tLF_tIndent
Write "}"
Catch ex {
Set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
Quit tSC nextProp
If tPropCount=0 {
If (tIncludeWhitespace && pLevel) Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+1)="" Write $S(pFormat["b":tLF_tIndent,1:" ")
Write "{"
ElseIf tPropCount {
Write ","
; else tPropCount="" means we already did the starting '{' due to "o" mode
Set tPropCount = tPropCount + 1
If tIncludeWhitespace Set tIndent="", $P(tIndent,tTab,pLevel+2)="" Write tLF_tIndent
JSON转对象的方法中 需要修改

ClassMethod %ParseJSON(pJSON As %String, pClass As %String = "", Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, Output pCharsProcessed As %Integer, pLevel As %Integer = 1, pFirstChar As %String = "", pIgnoreUnknownProps As %Boolean = 0) As %Status [ Internal ]
#define WHITESPACE(%c) (((%c)=" ")||((%c)=$C(10))||((%c)=$C(13))||((%c)=$C(9)))
#define MATCHHEXCHARS(%hex,%n) (%hex %n(1N,1(1"A",1"B",1"C",1"D",1"E",1"F",1"a",1"b",1"c",1"d",1"e",1"f"))) Set tSC = $$$OK
Try {
Set tOrigClass = pClass
Set tClass = $S(pClass="":"%ZEN.proxyObject",1:pClass)
Set pObject = ""
Set pCharsProcessed = 0
;w "pClass="_pClass,!
Set = 1
Set tToken = ""
Set tProperty = ""
Set tValue = ""
Set tState = 0
Set tInArray = 0
Set tArrayType = ""
Set tArrayState = "value"
Set tArrayKey = ""
Set tIsString = 0
Set tQuote = ""
Set tPropQuoted = 0
Set tUnicodeHex = ""
Set tHex = ""
Set tJSONArray = 0
While ($$$ISOK(tSC)) {
// test end condition; get next character
If ($IsObject(pJSON)) {
If (pFirstChar'="") {
Set ch = pFirstChar
Set pFirstChar = ""
Else {
  If (pJSON.AtEnd) Quit
Set ch = pJSON.Read(1,.tSC)
If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
Else {
  If (> $L(pJSON)) Quit
Set ch = $E(pJSON,p)
;w p_" "_ch,!
Set = + 1
Set pCharsProcessed = pCharsProcessed + 1
If (tState = 0) {
If (ch = "{") {
// start of object
// we will hold the property values in here until the end
Kill tPropValues
Set pObject = ""
Set tState = 1
ElseIf (ch = "[") {
Set tJSONArray = 1
Kill tPropValues
Set pObject = ""
Set tCollectionClass = $select((pClass '= "")&&$classmethod(pClass,"%Extends","%Collection.AbstractList"): pClass, 1 :"")
// start of list/array-valued property
Set tInArray = 1
Set tArrayType = "list"
Kill tArray
Set tArrayIndex = 0
Set tToken = ""
Set tIsString = 0
Set tState = 5
Set tArrayState = "value"
ElseIf '$$$WHITESPACE(ch) {
Set tSC = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,"Expected { at start of JSON text.")
ElseIf (tState = 1) {
If (ch = "}") {
// end of object
// create object, stuff properties into it
Set pClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),pClass)
Set tClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),tClass)
Set pObject = $classmethod(tClass,"%New")
Set = $O(tPropValues(""))
While (p'="") {
If ('= "_class") && ('= "_id") {
Try {
// test for stream property
Set tStream = $property(pObject,p)
If ($IsObject(tStream) && (tStream.%Extends("%Stream.Object") || tStream.%Extends("%IO.I.Stream"))) {
Do tStream.Rewind()
Do tStream.Write($G(tPropValues(p)))
Else {
Set $property(pObject,p) = $G(tPropValues(p))
Catch ex {
If $case(ex.Name, "<CANNOT SET THIS PROPERTY>" : 0, "<PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>": 'pIgnoreUnknownProps, :1) Throw ex
Set = $O(tPropValues(p))
ElseIf (ch = """") && ('tPropQuoted) {
Set tPropQuoted = 1
ElseIf ('$$$WHITESPACE(ch) && (ch'="")) {
// start of property name
Set tToken = ch
Set tState = 2
ElseIf (tState = 2) {
// property name
If (ch = "\") {
Set tState = "2a"
ElseIf (tPropQuoted) {
If (ch = """") {
Set tPropQuoted = 0
Else {
Set:'$IsObject(tToken) tToken = tToken _ ch
Else {
If (ch = ":") {
Set tProperty = tToken
#; Set tProperty = $select($IsObject(tToken): tToken, 1: ..%UnescapeJSONString(tToken))
Set tToken = ""
Set tState = 3
Set tIsString = 0
ElseIf ('$$$WHITESPACE(ch)) {
Set:'$IsObject(tToken) tToken = tToken _ ch
// NOTE: States 2a, 2b and 2c are defined as the last few states as we expect escaped property names to be very rare
ElseIf (tState = 3) {
// value
If (ch = ",") {
// end of value
If (tIsString || $IsObject(tToken)) {
Set tValue = tToken
Else {
Set tValue = $Case(tToken,"null":"","true":1,"false":0,:+tToken)
If (tProperty '= "") {
Set tPropValues(tProperty) = tValue
Set pClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),pClass)
Set tToken = ""
Set tValue = ""
Set tState = 1
ElseIf (ch = "}") {
// end of value and object
If (tIsString || $IsObject(tToken)) {
Set tValue = tToken
Else {
Set tValue = $Case(tToken,"null":"","true":1,"false":0,:+tToken)
If (tProperty '= "") {
Set tPropValues(tProperty) = tValue
} // create object, stuff properties into it
Set pClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),pClass)
;w "pClass="_pClass,!
Set tClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),tClass)
Set pObject = $classmethod(tClass,"%New")
Set = $O(tPropValues(""))
p=$o(^oddDEF(tClass,"a","")) ;hng20200426
While (p'="") {
If ('= "_class") && ('= "_id") {
Try {
// test for stream property
s:pClass'="" Xp=$g(^oddDEF(tClass,"a",p,"P","XMLNAME"))
s:Xp="" Xp=p
Set tStream = $property(pObject,p)
If ($IsObject(tStream) && (tStream.%Extends("%Stream.Object") || tStream.%Extends("%IO.I.Stream"))) {
Do tStream.Rewind()
Do tStream.Write($G(tPropValues(Xp)))
Else {
Set $property(pObject,p) = $G(tPropValues(Xp))
Catch ex {
//If $case(ex.Name, "<CANNOT SET THIS PROPERTY>": 0, "<PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>": 'pIgnoreUnknownProps, :1) Throw ex
p=$o(^oddDEF(tClass,"a",p)) ;hng20200426
Set = $O(tPropValues(p))
Set tToken = ""
Set tValue = ""
ElseIf (ch = "{") {
// start of object-valued property
Set pClass = $G(tPropValues("_class"),pClass) If ((pClass="")||(tProperty="")) {
Set tChildClass = ""
Set tCollection = ""
Else {
// lookup type in meta data
Set tChildClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPtype)
Set tCollection = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPcollection)
tChildClass="" d
.f  tProperty1=$o(^oddDEF(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1)) q:(tProperty1="")||(find=1) d
..;s tProperty=tProperty1
..tChildClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1,$$$cPROPtype)
..tCollection = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1,$$$cPROPcollection)
// Note: This if block assumes pClass and tProperty are defined when tCollection '= ""
If (tCollection = "array") {
// start of array-valued property
Set tArrayType = "array"
Set tArrayKey = ""
Set tInArray = 1
Kill tArray
Set tToken = ""
Set tIsString = 0
Set tState = 5
Set tArrayState = "name" // look up the runtime type of the array
// set tCollectionClass to the runtime type if the runtime type is not in %Library or %Collection
Set tCollectionClass = ""
Set tArrayRuntimeType = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPruntimetype)
If (tArrayRuntimeType '= "") {
Set tArrayRuntimePackage = $piece(tArrayRuntimeType,".",1)
If (tArrayRuntimePackage '= "%Library") && (tArrayRuntimePackage '= "%Collection") {
Set tCollectionClass = tArrayRuntimeType
Else {
If ($IsObject(pJSON)) {
Set tSubJSON = pJSON
Set tPoke = ch  // simulate stream unwind
Else {
Set tSubJSON = $E(pJSON,p-1,*)
Set tPoke = ""
Set tSC = ..%ParseJSON(tSubJSON,tChildClass,.tToken,.tChars,pLevel+1,tPoke,pIgnoreUnknownProps)
If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
Set = + tChars - 1
Set pCharsProcessed = pCharsProcessed + tChars - 1
ElseIf (ch = "[") {
Set tCollectionClass = ""
If ((pClass'="")&&(tProperty'="")) {
// lookup type in meta data
// we could have a normal collection: List Of PropType
// OR
// the proptype could be a subclass of a collection
Set tCollectionClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPtype)
tCollectionClass="" d
.f  tProperty1=$o(^oddDEF(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1)) q:(tProperty1="")||(find=1) d
..;s tProperty=tProperty1
..tCollectionClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1,$$$cPROPtype)
If (tCollectionClass '= "") && (($$$comClassKeyGet(tCollectionClass,$$$cCLASSclasstype)="datatype") || '$classmethod(tCollectionClass,"%Extends","%Collection.AbstractIterator")) {
// use "built-in" collection
Set tCollectionClass = ""
} // start of list/array-valued property
Set tInArray = 1
Set tArrayType = "list"
Kill tArray
Set tArrayIndex = 0
Set tToken = ""
Set tIsString = 0
Set tState = 5
Set tArrayState = "value"
ElseIf ((ch = """")||(ch = "'")) {
// start of string
Set tToken = ""
Set tIsString = 1
Set tQuote = ch
Set tState = 4
ElseIf ('$$$WHITESPACE(ch)) {
// must be a numeric value, or true,false,or null
Set:'$IsObject(tToken) tToken = tToken _ ch
ElseIf (tState = 4) {
// string literal
If (ch = "\") {
// escape?
Set tState = "4a"
ElseIf (ch = tQuote) {
// end of string
If (tInArray) {
Set tState = 5
Else {
Set tState = 3
Else {
Set:'$IsObject(tToken) tToken = tToken _ ch
// NOTE: States 4a, 4b and 4c are defined *after* state 5 as we expect escaped text less often than arrays (state 5)
ElseIf (tState = 5) {
// array items
If (ch = ",") {
// end of array item
If (tArrayType = "list") {
Set tArrayIndex = tArrayIndex + 1
If (tIsString || $IsObject(tToken)) {
Set tValue = tToken
Else {
Set tValue = $Case(tToken,"null":"","true":1,"false":0,:+tToken)
If (tArrayType = "list") {
Set tArray(tArrayIndex) = tValue
ElseIf (tArrayKey'="") {
Set tArray(tArrayKey) = tValue
Set tToken = ""
Set tArrayKey = ""
Set tIsString = 0
If (tArrayType = "list") {
Set tArrayState = "value"
Else {
Set tArrayState = "name"
ElseIf ((tArrayType="list")&&(ch = "]")) {
// end of list array
If (tToken '= "") {
Set tArrayIndex = tArrayIndex + 1
If (tIsString || $IsObject(tToken)) {
Set tValue = tToken
Else {
Set tValue = $Case(tToken,"null":"","true":1,"false":0,:+tToken)
Set tArray(tArrayIndex) = tValue
} If ($G(tCollectionClass)'="") {
Set tListObj = $classmethod(tCollectionClass,"%New")
Else {
#; Look for first non-"" value to determine whether the list contains objects or datatypes
Set tUseObjectArray = 1
Set = $O(tArray(""))
While {
If $IsObject($G(tArray(n))) Quit
If ($G(tArray(n)) '= "") {
Set tUseObjectArray = 0
Set = $O(tArray(n))
Set tListObj = $select(tUseObjectArray: ##class(%Library.ListOfObjects).%New(), 1: ##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New())
Set tCollectionClass = ""
Set = $O(tArray(""))
While (n'="") {
Do tListObj.Insert(tArray(n))
Set = $O(tArray(n))
} Set tToken = tListObj
Set tListObj = ""
Set tInArray = 0
Kill tArray
Set tArrayIndex = 0
Set tState = 3
If tJSONArray {
Set pObject = tToken
Set tJSONArray = 0
ElseIf ((tArrayType="array")&&(ch = "}")) {
// end of array
If (tToken '= "") {
If (tIsString || $IsObject(tToken)) {
Set tValue = tToken
Else {
Set tValue = $Case(tToken,"null":"","true":1,"false":0,:+tToken)
If (tArrayKey'="") {
Set tArray(tArrayKey) = tValue
} If ($G(tCollectionClass)'="") {
Set tArrayObj = $classmethod(tCollectionClass,"%New")
Else {
Set tUseObjectArray = 1
Set = $O(tArray(""))
While '= "" {
If $IsObject($G(tArray(n))) Quit
If ($G(tArray(n)) '= "") {
Set tUseObjectArray = 0
Set = $O(tArray(n))
Set tArrayObj = $select(tUseObjectArray: ##class(%Library.ArrayOfObjects).%New(), 1: ##class(%Library.ArrayOfDataTypes).%New())
Set tCollectionClass = "" Set = $O(tArray(""))
While (n'="") {
Do tArrayObj.SetAt(tArray(n),n)
Set = $O(tArray(n))
} Set tToken = tArrayObj
Set tArrayObj = ""
Set tInArray = 0
Kill tArray
Set tArrayIndex = 0
Set tArrayKey = ""
Set tState = 3
ElseIf (ch = "{") {
// object-valued item: token is the object
If (pClass'="") && (tProperty="") && $classmethod(pClass,"%Extends","%Library.ListOfObjects") {
Set tPropElementType = $parameter(pClass,"ELEMENTTYPE")
Set tChildClass = $select(tPropElementType = "%RegisteredObject": "", 1: tPropElementType)
ElseIf ((pClass="")||(tProperty="")) {
Set tChildClass = ""
Else {
// lookup type in meta data
If (tCollectionClass="") {
// property types tells us the type of items in the collection
Set tChildClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPtype)
tChildClass="" d
.f  tProperty1=$o(^oddDEF(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1)) q:(tProperty1="")||(find=1) d
..;s tProperty=tProperty1
..tChildClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty1,$$$cPROPtype)
Else {
// we have to get the element type from the collection class
Set tChildClass = $parameter(tCollectionClass,"ELEMENTTYPE")
If ($IsObject(pJSON)) {
Set tSubJSON = pJSON
Set tPoke = ch  // simulate stream unwind
Else {
Set tSubJSON = $E(pJSON,p-1,*)
Set tPoke = ""
} Set tSC = ..%ParseJSON(tSubJSON,tChildClass,.tToken,.tChars,pLevel+1,tPoke,pIgnoreUnknownProps)
If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
Set = + tChars - 1
Set pCharsProcessed = pCharsProcessed + tChars - 1
ElseIf (ch = "[") {
If ((pClass="")||(tProperty="")) {
Set tChildCollectionClass = ""
Else {
Set tChildCollectionClass = $$$comMemberKeyGet(pClass,$$$cCLASSproperty,tProperty,$$$cPROPtype)
If (tChildCollectionClass '= "") && (($$$comClassKeyGet(tCollectionClass,$$$cCLASSclasstype)="datatype") || '$classmethod(tCollectionClass,"%Extends","%Collection.AbstractIterator")) {
// use "built-in" collection
Set tChildCollectionClass = ""
If ($IsObject(pJSON)) {
Set tSubJSON = pJSON
Set tPoke = ch  // simulate stream unwind
Else {
Set tSubJSON = $E(pJSON,p-1,*)
Set tPoke = ""
Set tSC = ..%ParseJSON(tSubJSON,tChildCollectionClass,.tToken,.tChars,pLevel+1,tPoke,pIgnoreUnknownProps)
If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit
Set = + tChars - 1
Set pCharsProcessed = pCharsProcessed + tChars - 1
ElseIf ((ch = """")||(ch = "'")) {
// start of string
Set tToken = ""
Set tIsString = 1
Set tQuote = ch
Set tState = 4
ElseIf ((tArrayType="array")&&(ch=":")) {
// end of name
If (tArrayState = "name") {
Set tArrayState = "value"
Set tArrayKey = tToken
Set tToken = ""
ElseIf ('$$$WHITESPACE(ch)) {
// literal
Set:'$IsObject(tToken) tToken = tToken _ ch
// NOTE: States 4a, 4b and 4c precede states 2a, 2b and 2c as we expect literal strings to need escaping more often than property names
ElseIf (tState = "4a") {
// \ in string
If (ch = "u") {
Set tUnicodeHex = ""
Set tState = "4b"
// add special case support for \xNN escape sequences that are valid in Javascript
ElseIf (ch = "x") {
Set tHex = ""
Set tState = "4c"
Else {
// Support escape sequences defined in RFC 4627, as well as \'
Set tToken = tToken _ $Case(ch, "\": "\", "'": "'", """": """", "/": "/", "b": $char(8), "f": $char(12), "n": $char(10), "r": $char(13), "t": $char(9), : "\" _ ch)
Set tState = 4
ElseIf (tState = "4b") {
// in \uXXXX escape sequence
Set tUnicodeHex = tUnicodeHex _ ch
If ($length(tUnicodeHex) = 4) {
// Check that we do actually have a Hex value
If $$$MATCHHEXCHARS(tUnicodeHex,4) {
Set tUnicodeDecimal = $zhex(tUnicodeHex)
Set tToken = tToken _ $char(tUnicodeDecimal)
Else {
Set tToken = tToken _ "\u" _ tUnicodeHex
Set tState = 4
ElseIf (tState = "4c") {
// in \xNN escape sequence
Set tHex = tHex _ ch
If ($length(tHex) = 2) {
// Check that we do actually have a Hex value
Set tCodeDecimal = $zhex(tHex)
Set tToken = tToken _ $char(tCodeDecimal)
Else // Not a hex escape
Set tToken = tToken _ "\x" _ tHex
Set tState = 4
ElseIf (tState = "2a") {
// \ in property name
If (ch = "u") {
Set tUnicodeHex = ""
Set tState = "2b"
// add special case support for \xNN escape sequences that are valid in Javascript
ElseIf (ch = "x") {
Set tHex = ""
Set tState = "2c"
Else {
// Support escape sequences defined in RFC 4627, as well as \'
Set tToken = tToken _ $Case(ch, "\": "\", "'": "'", """": """", "/": "/", "b": $char(8), "f": $char(12), "n": $char(10), "r": $char(13), "t": $char(9), : "\" _ ch)
Set tState = 2
ElseIf (tState = "2b") {
// in \uXXXX escape sequence
Set tUnicodeHex = tUnicodeHex _ ch
If ($length(tUnicodeHex) = 4) {
#; Check that we do actually have a Hex value
If $$$MATCHHEXCHARS(tUnicodeHex,4) {
Set tUnicodeDecimal = $zhex(tUnicodeHex)
Set tToken = tToken _ $char(tUnicodeDecimal)
Else {
Set tToken = tToken _ "\u" _ tUnicodeHex
Set tState = 2
ElseIf (tState = "2c") {
// in \xNN escape sequence
Set tHex = tHex _ ch
If ($length(tHex) = 2) {
#; Check that we do actually have a Hex value
Set tCodeDecimal = $zhex(tHex)
Set tToken = tToken _ $char(tCodeDecimal)
Else // Not a hex escape
Set tToken = tToken _ "\x" _ tHex
Set tState = 2
Catch ex {
// Do ..%WriteJSONToFile(pJSON,"jsonout.txt")
Set tSC = ex.AsStatus()
Quit tSC

以上两个方法处理后,实际上就可以自由的转对象为JSON和转换JSON为对象了,如果JSON里面包含了”_“可以把对应的名字配置在 XMLNAME中,当然,对象对应的model类需要继承 %XML.Adaptor。如果不继承,就使用不了XMLNAME参数。鉴于让方法更好用,特意封装了下。

ClassMethod JSONStreamToObject(pStream, Output pObject As %RegisteredObject, pClass As %String, pIgnoreUnknownProps As %Boolean) As %Status
Set tSC=..%ParseJSON(pStream,.pClass,.pObject,,,,.pIgnoreUnknownProps)
Quit:$$$IsdefObject(pObject) tSC
Set:$$$ISOK(tSC) tSC=$$$ERROR($$$EnsErrGeneral,"No object found in JSON stream "_pStream.Read(200+pStream.Rewind()))
Quit tSC
} ClassMethod JSONStreamToObjectArray(pStream, Output pArray, pClass As %String, pIgnoreUnknownProps As %Boolean) As %Status
Kill pArray
Set tSC = ..%ParseJSON(.pStream,.pClass,.tObjectList,,,,.pIgnoreUnknownProps)
If $$$ISERR(tSC) Quit tSC
Set pArray = tObjectList.Count()
For i=1:1:pArray {
Set pArray(i) = tObjectList.GetAt(i)
Quit tSC
} ClassMethod ObjectToJSONStream(pObject As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pStream, pFormat As %String = "iw") As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]




ClassMethod XML2JSONStream(Content, XMLName As %String, ClassName As %String, ByRef pStream, pFormat As %String = "iw") As %Status
obj=##class(xxx).ParseSSFU(Content,XMLName,ClassName,"s",.OK)    ////这个方法是转xml为对象,不同开发人员,应该是有各自熟悉的方法的。自己替换就行了
q:OK'=1 OK
} ClassMethod JSONStream2XML(Content, ClassName As %String, ByRef pStream) As %Status
sc d
.$IsObject(Content) d
.e  d
e  d
.$IsObject(Content) d
.e  d
如果它要用到自定义的命名空间,还需要把 Include Ensemble 中的 Ensemble的拷贝一个副本出来。用在Util.JSON开始。经过测试,转换大量的数据的时候,它的效率不高。这个是一个遗憾。

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