转到文章 y g · 七月 16, 2024 It's also possible to simply put the driver on the driver path. Isn't this configuration of the driver too cumbersome driver = '/usr/irisodbc/bin/libirisodbc35.so' server = '' database = '' username = '' password = '' port = '' cnxn = pyodbc.connect(driver=driver, server=server,port='1972', database=database, uid=username, pwd=password,charset='UTF-8') ###ensure it reads strings correctly. cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, encoding='utf8') cnxn.setdecoding(pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, encoding='utf8') cnxn.setencoding(encoding='utf8') cursor = cnxn.cursor() cursor.execute("select top 10 * from xx.xx") row = cursor.fetchone() while row: print(row) row = cursor.fetchone() cnxn.close()
转到文章 y g · 七月 16, 2024 这个比odbc连接坑少,我使用odbc在linux中查到的字段都是空字符串,如下: python3 /home/code/httpTest2.py ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '') ('', '', '', '', None, '')