我需要能修改xml 文件里面某个节点的值,目前 使用的方法是EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document 里面的 SetValueAt,但是导入的字符串或者流有中文的话,或者设置新值包含中文的话,使用 OutputToString输出字符串,中文是乱码的,怎么处理呢

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环境是windows server2012 r2 standard+ensemble2016.


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如这文件内容 <?xml version="8.0"?>
<root xmlns="test" xmlns:mc="test1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="test2">
<id code="test3"/><root>

我需要获取到<?xml version="8.0"?> 以及 root 节点的所有属性和他们的值比如xmlns,它的值是test,需要获取到id的说明 内容“这个是说明测试哦”

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0 138

我想安装Windows版本的管理门户引擎来创建Cache InterSystems数据库
我想为Cache InterSystems创建一个样本数据库,并想通过Cache Entity Framework Provider访问它。但是,我无法找到一个特定的管理门户引擎来创建数据库。


I want to install Management Portal Engine for Windows to create Cache InterSystems DB

I want to create a Sample Database for Cache InterSystems and want to access it via Cache Entity Framework Provider. But, I cannot find a particular engine of Management Portal to create a database.

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· 二月 4, 2021
DynamicArray 循环报错
ClassMethod TestArr()
    s arrRow = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
    s size = arrRow.%Size() - 1
    for i = 0 : 1 : size {
        s ii = (size / size) * i // 有size运算, 就报错
        w arrRow.%Get(ii), !
    q ""

如上,cache循环中有 size 就报错, iris不报😂

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0 136

请问cahce中所有的数据库访问都是通过cache server完成的吗,比如使用终端访问数据库、studio开发的应用、使用第三方库使用代码都是先访问cache server,然后通过cache server对数据进行存取的吗?使用studio开发的应用程序也是跑在cache server中吗? 如果是的话studio开发的应用程序(比如web程序)如何跟cache server分开部署呢?

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How to resize an Image in classmethod

We need to resize existing images already in %GlobalBinaryStream to create thumbnails.

The requirement is also to use the method to resize new images that are uploaded.

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vscode通过插件:intersystems Server Manager 连接测试开发环境,配置连接后无法使用


"intersystems.servers": {

"local": {

"webServer": {

"scheme": "http",

"host": "",

"port": 52773


"test": {

"webServer": {

"scheme": "https",

"host": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx",

"port": 2443


"description": "test",

0 1
0 124
· 二月 24, 2022




0 1
0 123

Journaling is NOT on. Updates will NOT be journaled
*** Missing previous 1 files that may contain TSTARTs


There is a problem with searching for open transactions in older files.
If you decide to continue, transactions started in files earlier than
the first one to be restored might remain open after the restore.

Do you want to abort? Yes => No

请问什么情况下会触发出现Do you want to abort?

在门户网站查看数据库Global Journal也是勾选上的.

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· 十一月 20, 2022
cache2010 如何导出obj文件

请问下,项目上数据库用的是cache2010 ,有些文件是部署的,现在想要备份,在cache2016里面可以导出obj为xml,但是cache2010 导出的时候会报错,ERROR #6080: Can not export 'OBJ' type in %RO format for item “xxxxx” 要报错 。

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