通过 REST API 将前端 React 应用程序与 IRIS 数据库等后端服务集成,是构建健壮网络应用程序的强大方法。但是,开发人员经常遇到的一个障碍是跨源资源共享(CORS)问题,由于网络浏览器强制执行的安全限制,该问题可能会阻止前端访问后端的资源。在本文中,我们将探讨在将 React Web 应用程序与 IRIS 后端服务集成时如何解决 CORS 问题。
While the SQL compiler tries to make the most efficient use of data as specified by the query, sometimes the author of the query knows more about some aspect of the stored data than is evident to the compiler. In this case, the author can make use of the query plan to modify the original query to provide more information or more guidance to the query compiler.