Terminating Job 134859 / 'CDYZone.HospDocHealth.BO.SaveSTDData' with Status = 错误 <Ens>ErrGeneral: The JGService setting must be configured in order for this Adapter to work with a JDBC DSN : jdbc:sqlserver://;Database=qzj_interfacenew;integratedSecurity=false;trustServerCertificate=true;, %QuitTask=
Class ZCustom.MirrorDejournal Extends SYS.MirrorDejournal { Method RunFilter( MirrorDBName As %String, GlobalReference As %String, RecordType As %String, Address As %Integer) As %Integer { Set ^CDCLog( $I($^CDCLog))=$lb(MirrorDBName,GlobalReference,RecordType,Address) Quit 1 }
I want to install Management Portal Engine for Windows to create Cache InterSystems DB
I want to create a Sample Database for Cache InterSystems and want to access it via Cache Entity Framework Provider. But, I cannot find a particular engine of Management Portal to create a database.